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2009.12.29 Wedding photo

After months of procrastination, we have finally taken our wedding photos. The day started by wife make-up session by Fiona at 1040am while I was there admiring my beautiful wife change to most beautiful queen of the day. It took about 90 minutes for her make up. After that, it was my turn to transform to most handsome guy of the day. When I was make-up, wife wore her first gown of the day for indoor photographing. Wah! pretty wife!!! Photographer (Kenneth who has 9 years experience) gave us some tips on how to pose. Chest up, chin up, chin forward, butt out, hair, waist out, hand & leg positions & most importantly, smile.
Kenneth gave us a few tries with indoor photos... after that, we took outdoor photos at KTM with 2 gowns. Then KL lake garden 2 gowns before going back for studio photos. we took our lunch around 6pm. then continue 2 more gowns before it ended at 745pm. we went for dinner again at 8pm. We reach home at 930pm & did make-up removal.
Luckily, wife was happy with the whole session. Stay tuned for the photos.


uLi.佑莉 said... leh...

chuiping said...

the gown upper part is transparent?

Chin Seng said...

uli, fun & tiring
chuiping, upper part is transparent :D sexy leh

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