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Home alarm system

Are you worried of the security at your neighbour? Is it enough with grille only? You may want to consider alarm system, alarm system cum Central Monitor System (CMS) or CCTV.
To me, alarm system is installed to scare the thieves away or make their life harder so that you can have peace of mind when you are not at home. However, when alarm triggers, you will be panic as whether it is false alarm especially during sleeping time.
Typical alarm systems in the market are ADT, CHUBB, Paradox, Bluguard, Brno & etc.

Below is alarm system basic knowledge.

Magnetic & vibration sensor: Magnetic is usually used at door & the door must be intact. Vibration sensor is usually used at windows grille. A typical alarm system allows you to adjust the sensitivity of the alarm.
Passive Infra Red (PIR): PIR is actually a motion detector which detects object movement. There is indoor & roof PIR Besides, there is an animal immunity PIR for pet lovers. It is able to bypass 40kg weight. If your children who is less than 40kg detected by PIR, will it trigger the alarm? I don’t know as I don’t have children now and I’m more than 40kg.
Panic button: This is a button for you to trigger the alarm when you see burglar. It can be in rooms or kitchen. Anyway, alarm LCD keypad is also a panic button.
Smoke detector: Most people install this in kitchen only. Some claim that the smoke from your cooking will trigger the alarm.
Voice module: When alarm trigger, the alarm system will call to your handphone (or multiple handphones). With voice module, it is capable to inform you which zone has actually triggered the alarm. Next, instruction will be given to arm/disarm the alarm. Without this module, the alarm will still call you, but it will “beep” only. Numbers of beeps indicate the zones that trigger the alarm.
GSM module: Suitable for those who do not install landline. The alarm will use handphone sim card to call out.
Zone: House will be divided into 8/16/32 zones. A few doors or windows will be sharing one zone. Eg: sliding door & side windows will be grouped into single zone. Front door, (door you use most often) will be set to another zone & have exit delay of 1 minute. Within this 1 minute, you can open or close the front door. After that exit delay, the alarm will be active.
Zone bypass: If there is any activity at backyard like children running, you can keep the alarm active and bypass your back door.
Power supply: Most alarm systems need power supply with battery as backup. Get your wire man to prepare this power supply.

If you want peace of mind, just contact any alarm system contractors.


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