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Guilin Trip (2013.06.10 - 17) Day 2

Date: 2013.06.10 - 17
Venue: Guilin, China
Family First Oversea Trip

A must photo to take here...
Yes, my boy is eating ice-cream...
 The entrance of Elephant Hill Scenic Area...

During the day time...
 Walking in the park (榕湖景区) again...
Ooppsss...shoe is flying...

Lunch Time...

Similar to Ipoh Cave but it is more beautiful with indicate nice name & story and colorful light...

 Colorful cave...

优美的倒影,看得见但摸不见 ...

Family Photo...

This is the ferry that we take for the tour (桂林漓江)...

In the ferry with my boy...

  One of their traditional fish catching matters...

The view...



How often you see it in the city???

 Another view in the city street around 7pm...

Our dinner in Yang Shuo (阳朔)


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