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Guilin Trip (2013.06.10 - 17) Day 1

Date: 2013.06.10 - 17
Venue: Guilin, China
Family First Oversea Trip
 Day 1
Our first oversea family trip...
Wake up at 0300 to catch 0625 flight...

Our first meal in Guilin, China...
Is that too much for 2 adults & 1 infant??

Say "Hi" to my boy...
He is smiling to you...

Our first destination (伏波山)...

Take a shoot with daddy...

Big Iron Bell (大铁锺)with 2,524kg, 2.5m in Height & 1.7m in Diameter...
Made in the eight year of the reign of Kangxi Emperor of the Qing Dynasty 1669 AD...

Our first family photo in 虞山公园...

He likes here so much...
Keep laughing only...

My boy walks around in the park...
We take this chance to take this photo...

Everyone said that he is superb cute with his coat...
What do you think???


Our dinner...
Again...big portion..
Large-scale panorama song and dance show with Guilin Grace ...
The best show in Guilin...

                                               Taking photo with the dancers after the show...



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