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Back to reality 2

Just realized previous post Back to Reality was accidentally uploaded with wrong image. TRW Automotive Services (TAS) was no longer in existence since 1st Feb 2010 & the sign board above should be changed to TRW-Rebadged. Below is our new identity.

TAS gave me a comfortable working environment & learning. The exposure has helped me go further. I met up many friendly & easy-going colleagues & friends here. Time past & most of TAS-ian lunch gang have left as you can see in the image.

Today, I'm still on a rough sea with 3 other lunch gangs, looking forward for a good harbour to dock. Hopefully TRW-rebadged will be on another good ship & harbour soon. Pray hard!!!


Anonymous said...

yeah yeah, i'm in the post with Nike sign! wish u get this sign as soon as possible :D

chuiping said...

wrongly chosen Anonymous. hehe. well, it's me *blush*

Chin Seng said...

i wish to remove "Hello, I'm from HCL" soon .... thank you...

sugar.glider said...

Lol, i like your post. Let's wait and see who is the sole survivor!

Chin Seng said...

Hopefully they find opportunity & leave here asap. is really ups & downs here

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