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Mother's Day

I wish to celebrate this coming Sunday with you, but you are only with me in memory. Let's celebrate it in memory. Back to 1996-1999, the most memorable memories I had with you. You taught me about life, caring, tolerance & how to take care the family members. I hope I did not disappoint you. I miss you so much.

Every year 14th Feb is 母难日. A day daddy & you brought me to this world. It's not a day to celebrate with friends, but a day dedicated to both of you. Now I'm big enough to form up family. Have you received my message that I will be getting married next month. I know that you are always with me, to bless me with a happy marriage. I miss you.

Now, let me briefly introduce to you my pretty wife, your daughter-in-law (媳妇). Her name is chooipeng, an Ipoh girl. Click original & design for all the wedding photos. I hope you can touch the photos.

This will be biggest mother's day present for you. I hope you will receive it with a big laugh. Oh ya, she will serve you a cup of sweet daughter-in-law tea later. Be patient ya. :D

Friends, It will be Mother's Day on this coming Sunday. Have you plan something for your lovely mum?


uLi.佑莉 said...

Like this link to your wedding photo ar? Creative wor :D

Chin Seng said...

uli, I dedicated this post to her. I hope she will get it. I was getting crazy now :D

chuiping said...

i could feel the happiness & bliss from both of u during wedding dinner. i'm sure ur mom would feel the same.

Chin Seng said...

thank you for coming & dropping a msg here

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