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Heaven or Hell

Am I in heaven or hell??? Don't get me wrong, I'm not blogging this while I'm there. I'm neither in heaven or hell if I'm not lazy to use the staircase. I'm sure you did not get what I meant. See below.

To all my beloved friends & colleagues,
Please control your smoking habit as it is not good for your health & family. Whenever you smoke, please consider your families/friends.

Recently I notice the staircase at office has become a smoking zone for smokers. The smoke has gone from bad to worst. Whenever you open the door, you could see the smoke billowing up. This is not a healthy situation or something to proud of. The staircase looks like in heaven. But you are actually in hell. (I apologize for using this word, but that is my feeling).

I guess you know smoking is bad for health. Try to get rid of this bad habit slowly. I believe you can.


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