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Childhood Montage

Our pre-wedding photos are 250 pictures only (1 day shooting). Our wedding album package allow us to choose 62 pictures to be included into our wedding album. At first, we felt the process was very tough to exclude 188++ pictures.

But we are wrong now when we tried to choose our childhood pictures. From the day you are born till now, let's say 30 years old. Assume you have 2000 pictures (I guess you have more than 2000 pictures), you need to filter out to less than 100 pictures (about 4-5min slide presentation), you will have mixed feeling whether to exclude the pictures. Every pictures has its own stories. We would like to add every pictures but it will our guests boring as the presentation will be dragged too long. Everyone has crossed our lives & we had mixed feeling to exclude them. Finally, after few days of filtering, we have just finalized our childhood montage pictures. Hopefully we have included everyone in our lives.

Our experience is choosing pictures which represent our lives is even harder than choosing pre-wedding photos at bridal shop. Experience it & you know what I mean.


uLi.佑莉 said...

I thought of exclude the childhood slideshow lo....coz 1.lazy to do 2.don't wanna drag too long for the slideshow :P

Chin Seng said...

my friend help me doing slide show. It was a 5 min presentation only. you choose lesser photos, then slide show will be interesting. Agree with you. drag it too long will make the guests boring.

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