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Income tax 2009

Just submitted my 2009 income tax. If you have not done it, please do it before EOD tomorrow to avoid penalty.

Serve you right

A forklift relocating a Myvi that blocks the entrance of the building. Serve you right for simply park. :D

GE outdoor water filter

If you noticed, we had installed those cheap water filter at our house after water meter. Since Aug 2009, the filter has bursted twice. It gave me lots of headache. Being approached by Brandon for bulk purchase of GE outdoor water filter at RM999, we attended the product demo at Brandon's house on one weekend. This was the first time we attended outdoor water filter product demo. Wow, so many info.

After the demo, we were thinking & thinking. Finally decided to get an unit & arranged the installation to be on 18th Apr 2pm. Out of sudden, the cheapo water filter burst for 2nd time on Monday. With our full water tank, we thought it will be enough for us until Sunday, silly me. So, we washed clothes twice on Tue & Thu. Suddenly on Friday morning, the water was running slower than usual.... oh my god.... water tank become empty on Saturday night. Can you imagine no water? I think no electric is still alright for me, but no water is really hard for me. Serve me right!!!

Luckily the installer came to our rescue on time (no aeroplane, if not, no water again). Within 2 hours, he did the installation + water tank cleaning with his helper. We never realize our water tank will serve us free flow of teh tarik. Thanks to Syabas for your water quality.

The water pressure was very high (maybe limited owners move in) at my area. It was at 6-7 bar (87-100psi). No wonder my cheapo water filter burst twice.
We bought GE935 at RM999. Suitable for 3-4 persons usage concurrently. It is a manual valve (3 years warranty) that required us to do backwash & fast rinse once a week (depend on water quality). It is able to filter up to 5 micron sand. Typical filter in the market. Among the materials in the fibreglass tank (10 years warranty) are activated carbon, zeolite, fine, medium & coarse silica sand. The carbon has 6-9 months life span. Maintenance cost is RM380 for every 4 years. Hopefully this filter will give us peace of mind & teh tarik will be lesser.

Our next item will be indoor water filter. Another round of knowledge gathering again.

Metrojaya Warehouse Sales Bukit Jalil

My friend, LeeNa alerted me on Bukit Jalil Metrojaya warehouse sales was worth going. Without hesitating, we went to the sales looking forward for house & wedding items. We parked at car park C which was very far from the stadium. (Next time should park at car park D).
As LeeNa said, it had good deal for guys clothing (clothes, shirts, pants, shoes). We bought a pair of formal shoe & belt (ahemm, for my wedding), Akemi pillow, Queen Fitted Sheet & Queen Mattress Protector (for guest room). Indirectly we are Akemi supporters :D. We spend over RM300 on Maybank credit card. Thanks to Metrojaya & Maybank, we were awarded RM40 cash voucher. 

Thinking hard to utilize this voucher, we bought kitchen 3-tier drainer. (Hopefully) Our kitchen will be more tidy after this as we dont have budget for kitchen cabinet at the moment.

Metrojaya warehouse sales was worth going (at least for me). I got some good deal there.

Putrajaya quick tour

As usual, Friday is long lunch hour & we will take this chance to travel far. Today we went to Pizza Hut at Putrajaya Alamanda. After our quick bite, we proceeded to window shopping & photo session.

Putrajaya quick tour idea & photo session have been Sebastian (freelancer photographer) since he worked at Cyberjaya. He has been asking us to guide him since last year, but we have been jokingly asking him for a treat at Manhattan Fish Market in exchange for this Putrajaya tour.

Without any procastination, Sebastian asked to go for quick tour after work. We left office 615pm towards Putrajaya Maritime Center for our first destination. He was happy with the scenery & sunset (unexpected as it was raining heavily 1 hour ago). After about 30min, we proceeded to dinner (as promised :D) at Alamanda as it was getting dark & raining.

After we finished dinner, it was 845pm, we proceeded to our photo session at Putrajaya Infamous Mosque & Prime Minister Department. I would say today not many visitors at Putrajaya Mosque. The windy night after raining made us felt better. After we finished photo session here, Seri Wawasan Bridge architecture with spot lighting caught his attention from far. We stopped for about 30min on this bridge for his photo session. It was getting late & we decided to call it a day for our quick tour. I have 100% confidence that Sebastian will be back to Putrajaya with all his gadgets like tripod & wide angle lens.

It brought back a lot of memories to me today. I like Putrajaya very much since I was F6 because of its architecture. I've ever dreamt to own a property at Putrajaya. I have been to Putrajaya since I was an UPM student. I brought gf (now wife) for dating, families & friends for sightseeing. Furthermore, I fell down from motorbike & had surgery Putrajaya Hospital. Many many more memories I had towards Putrajaya. Be it good or bad, I will always treasure this memories.

Putrajaya, I will be back too. I promise.

60 days Countdown

As everyone knows, I will be officially married (traditional) on 5th Jun.
Many items are still pending. catering, canopy, photographer, lodging, logistics, bedroom setup, living room setup. Hope I can clear all these backlog by this weekend.

8TV Hot Chef

8TV Hot Chef

Malaysia's first
Chinese cooking reality show
call for entries!

In the 21st century, cooking is no longer the specialty of women, but becomes one of the talents of men. To any macho Malaysian man who is interested in cooking, it is now time for you to walk out of the kitchen and into the studio of cooking reality show "Hot Chef".

Ages between 20-35 years old, Mandarin speaking Malaysian men are welcomed to send in their personal details, cooking experience and best dishes via:
8TV, Sri Pentas 3rd Floor, South Wing
Bandar Utama, 47800 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan)


Hurry up guys before the closing date: 11st Apr 2010. Who knows you might be on TV.
I'm going to submit my entries. Stay tuned & watch me on TV. (April Fool)

Housing loan interest

Bank Negara Malaysia's decision to increase the Overnight Policy Rate (OPR) by 25 points on 9th Mar 10 has increased BLR-based housing loan interest. Base Lending Rate (BLR) which is tied to OPR has increased from 5.55% to 5.80%.
For the month of March 10, I paid additional RM50++. I estimate the additional cost would be more than RM50++ next month because first 9 days of March was still using old rate.
From now onwards, I lose additional RM50++ now to bank :(

Even though today is April Fool, but I'm not fooling you la... But don't be fool by others :D
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