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2nd wife merajuk

Finally 2nd wife merajuk.
While wife was trying to accelerate on Elite highway near to USJ exit, the car did not seem to move. Wife was very panic & slowly stop at road side.
I rushed myself to the highway. Battery was OK, petrol tank is not empty & everything seems alright. We called up PLUS & the mechanic came. They inspected & said that fuel pump problem. As the car could not move, they towed the car to USJ exit & left there overnight. It was the first night 2nd wife did not come back home. So sad....
The next day morning, I called up insurance company for free towing to workshop. After some troubleshooting, it was fuel pump faulty. After some consideration, decided to get OEM fuel pump and the damage was RM620. This was exactly my monthly instalment. So I'm poorer now. :(


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