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2010.02.26 Viewing Album Design

I got a called from my bridal house that our wedding album design is done. We made the appointment on 2010.02.26.

I did not expect superb design as I knew that the limitation of most of bridal houses design. They only use their so call professional skill but actually is "templete" to make the design. A lot of complaint can be viewed in wedding forum. Anyhow, I still put a small hope that our design is nice.

As per expected, the design is normal and we still can accept it with minor amendment to make it more nice, hopefully.

We are awaiting for the next appointment for our second draft album design. Wish us all the best!


uLi.佑莉 said...

I did not review my album design la...all I hand in for my photographer, coz he is PRO! Hehehe....and he didn't disappoint me, results turned out very good and m very satisfy :)

chooipeng said...

so nice for your bridal house. Can I view it?

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