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2013 Year End Closing

1. Wife is pregnant 2nd time
2. House renovation completed
3. Travel to Taiwan & Guilin
4. Work promotion
5. Wife has greater interest in kitchen
6. JY learns to be independent

1. Lost 2 relatives & 1 friend

In conclusion, what do you think of my year end closing? :-D


chooipeng said...
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chooipeng said...

1) Hubby become more understanding
2) 2nd pregnancy
3) My Breastfeeding journey (Year 2011 - 2013):
a) 1st – 2nd month (FM +BM)
b) 3rd – 14th month (Fully BM)
c) 15th – 22nd month (bf at night time only)
d) 25th month (weaning by my boy)
3) Baking some simple muffin and cake
4) Cooking simple meal for my hubby & boy
5) Re-start my reading hobby
6) Family Trip to Pulau Ketam & Cameron Highland (Cuti- cuti Malaysia)
1) No work promotion & No better job opportunity
2) Lost my aunt & 1 friend

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