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CNY 2013 Snake Year

Date: 2013.02.09
Venue: Putra Heights
Reunion Dinner
Steamboat... La La La...

Ready to eat... Yummy...
Date: 2013.02.10
Venue: Putra Heights
Chor 1
Taking a family photo in the early morning...
Gong Xi Gong Xi...
Our small family...
Date 2013.02.12
Venue: Ipoh
Chor 4
Happy Family... ...
Date 2013.02.14
Venue: Ipoh
Chor 6 & Darling's Birthday
Starbuck-ing with darling while my boy sleeping at home...
Date 2013.02.20
Venue: Office
Chor 10
Cute small snake...waiting for Lion Dance...
"Huat" ar....
Date 2013.02.23
Venue: Friend's house
Chor 13
Two boys in a car...
ULAR La La La... ...


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