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Heaven or Hell

Am I in heaven or hell??? Don't get me wrong, I'm not blogging this while I'm there. I'm neither in heaven or hell if I'm not lazy to use the staircase. I'm sure you did not get what I meant. See below.

To all my beloved friends & colleagues,
Please control your smoking habit as it is not good for your health & family. Whenever you smoke, please consider your families/friends.

Recently I notice the staircase at office has become a smoking zone for smokers. The smoke has gone from bad to worst. Whenever you open the door, you could see the smoke billowing up. This is not a healthy situation or something to proud of. The staircase looks like in heaven. But you are actually in hell. (I apologize for using this word, but that is my feeling).

I guess you know smoking is bad for health. Try to get rid of this bad habit slowly. I believe you can.

Busy busy busy

Being caught up with many activities recently. From knowledge transfer -> Interview -> wedding planning (meeting up with friends, finalizing guest list, liaise with vendors) -> house cleaning. I wish after Jun I will have more time. I want an easy life.

Childhood Montage

Our pre-wedding photos are 250 pictures only (1 day shooting). Our wedding album package allow us to choose 62 pictures to be included into our wedding album. At first, we felt the process was very tough to exclude 188++ pictures.

But we are wrong now when we tried to choose our childhood pictures. From the day you are born till now, let's say 30 years old. Assume you have 2000 pictures (I guess you have more than 2000 pictures), you need to filter out to less than 100 pictures (about 4-5min slide presentation), you will have mixed feeling whether to exclude the pictures. Every pictures has its own stories. We would like to add every pictures but it will our guests boring as the presentation will be dragged too long. Everyone has crossed our lives & we had mixed feeling to exclude them. Finally, after few days of filtering, we have just finalized our childhood montage pictures. Hopefully we have included everyone in our lives.

Our experience is choosing pictures which represent our lives is even harder than choosing pre-wedding photos at bridal shop. Experience it & you know what I mean.

Modular wardrobe

Check out the attachment if you are planning to do wardrobe. It is a modular unit, just mix-n-match your preferred columns & sum up the total. That will be your wardrobe cost. Do you think this idea is brilliant?

Side note: Before you get this, just take note on your wardrobe size especially height. Your house (landed, condo or apartment) staircase/lift maybe too narrow & do not have enough room to transport the modular unit to your bedroom.

Mother's Day

I wish to celebrate this coming Sunday with you, but you are only with me in memory. Let's celebrate it in memory. Back to 1996-1999, the most memorable memories I had with you. You taught me about life, caring, tolerance & how to take care the family members. I hope I did not disappoint you. I miss you so much.

Every year 14th Feb is 母难日. A day daddy & you brought me to this world. It's not a day to celebrate with friends, but a day dedicated to both of you. Now I'm big enough to form up family. Have you received my message that I will be getting married next month. I know that you are always with me, to bless me with a happy marriage. I miss you.

Now, let me briefly introduce to you my pretty wife, your daughter-in-law (媳妇). Her name is chooipeng, an Ipoh girl. Click original & design for all the wedding photos. I hope you can touch the photos.

This will be biggest mother's day present for you. I hope you will receive it with a big laugh. Oh ya, she will serve you a cup of sweet daughter-in-law tea later. Be patient ya. :D

Friends, It will be Mother's Day on this coming Sunday. Have you plan something for your lovely mum?

Unpleasant Monday Morning

It was unpleasant Monday morning with all unwelcomed experienced.

1. House autogate dismantled & sent for repair.
2. Car remote control spoilt
3. Motor seat lock faulty.

All faulty items above are related to "security". Later after work need to send car remote control & motor seat lock for repair. I hope the damages is not much.
Tips, I'm not in good mood today. Stay away from me today to avoid being treated unpleasantly. I hope it is the end of faulty items for the day.
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