    Find out what I'm doing, Follow Me :)

Day 305 2013.12.05 Lovely Boy

Playing on bed before sleep

Day 304 2013.12.02 Coco Walnut Cupcake Part 1

Second to make this cupcake...
But forget to include soda powder...

Day 303 2013.11.23 Using Strew

 Finally, he did it!!

Day 301 2013.11.16 32weeks

32 weeks...
8weeks to go...
Waiting for you, girl...

Day 302 13.11.17 Playschool & Day Care

Attending a few Playschool & Day Care Open Day today...
Collecting some information...
Vital Year or San Lorenzo Montessori??

Day 300 2013.11.11 50years of JJ

Received a new year 2014 calendar...
JJ celebrating 50 years next year....

Day 299 2013.11.09 Boy's first Visit to Dental

 My brave boy...
Doing his first dental visit...

Day 298 2013.10.31 CocoWalnut Cupcake

Making a surprise to darling...
Homemade Coco Walnut cupcake....

Day 297 2013.10.28 3D BB Girl

Her first 3D photo...
My girl...
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