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Day 135 2012.08.17 F1 Driver

Hah...pretend as a F1 driver!

Day 134 2012.08.16 Kitchen cabinet design

The first draft of kitchen cabinet design from my aunty who is a designer...
Red & White

Day 133 2012.08.14 Lucky number 1001

My boy normal check up in Desa Klinik today
Lucky number 1001 ^_^

Day 132 2012.08.12 Family Steamboat

Family Steamboat in Ipoh to celebrate my youngest brother goes to UniMAP next month!!!

Cameron Highland

Date: 2012.08.11 - 08.12
Venue: Cameron Highland
Cuti-cuti Malaysia with Shefu 15

Hutan Lipur Lata Iskandar, a waterfall before reach Cameron Highlands boy likes the cool waterfall water so much!!

Going for BOH Tea Factory visit
The 9 types of outcomes after the BOH Tea processing
Let my boy to "feel" the structure!!

Then we have BOH Tea Time in BOH Tea Garden

 Hhmm....look like my boy don't like the tea garden

 Having a durian festival in apartment after dinner!!
Actually, the taste is normal only...

Cheap accommodation for us, 4 families + 2 singles
Haha...the two little one looking at each other...

Day 131 2012.08.11 Cameron Highland

Our Shefu15 second trip in Year 2012.
Looking forward for next trip!!

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