    Find out what I'm doing, Follow Me :)

Day 84 2012.05.25 Bowling

JJTM SRC bowling tournament

We are the team....


Day 83 2012.05.24 Snack Food

Found this in a shop

My childhood snack food ^^

Day 82 2012.05.22 MC

Today not my day

Not feeling well

Here is the UBAT


Day 81 2012.05.20 Walker

New walker from my parents

Learning to walk before crawl @_@

Day 80 2012.05.19 Pop Corn

It is superb nice...

Totally unable to recall when was my last time to take it...

I loving it so much...

Day 79 2012.05.18 Pumping, Pumping & Pumping

Pumping is part of my life at this moment.

Someone ask: When you plan to stop your breastfeeding?

Me: I don't know....

Day 78 2012.05.17 Natural Care

A new product of Pantene -----> Natural Care

Purchased it via Groupon

Lets try for it !!!

Day 77 2012.05.16 To do list

A long to do list in my working book...

How to complete it on time ???

Day 76 2012.05.15 PINK


Like pink and red recently... 

A pink smart phone pouch purchased recently... 

Love it...

Day 75 2012.05.13 U R Only One in My Heart

Me and My Boy...
His first wedding dinner...
U R Only One in My Heart

Day 74 2012.05.12 1/2 Century Tour Jacky Cheung

A surprise from dear...

1/2 Century Tour Jacky Cheung...

Love you, dear !!!

Only two of us...

7.30pm before the concert...

Thanks to Jacky Cheung....

Give me a fantastic concert!!

Day 73 2012.05.06 Sunflower

received a sunflower with "Happy Mother Day" from a salesgirl...

Oopps.... I almost forget that I'm a mother too!!!

Day 72 2012.05.05 Perfect Daddy

Our lovely and perfect daddy...

Feeding in a wedding dinner...

Well done, daddy!!

Day 71 2012.05.05 Happy Wesak day

First Wesak Day for him...

"Buddha Bathing" with daddy...

Day 70 2012.05.03 Pororo The Little Penguin

Play Mat for my boy

Pororo The Little Penguin

Day 69 2012.05.01 In Johor

In Johor... ... ...

Play with uncle... ...

Play with Ah Gong... ...
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