If you are planning to get a car but the interest rate is too high or can’t find a guarantor, then don’t waste your time applying in tiger bank or ambank. Apply your car loan in a smaller bank like Affin Bank, you will be surprised your loan will be approved.
The guarantor is a big issue if the purchaser is less than 23 years old. In this day, who is willing to be the guarantor? Parents are the only possible candidates, I suppose. If your loan comes with a guarantor, your guarantor will be liable to your monthly installment if you failed to pay. It is better to opt for loan without guarantor so that you do not burden others if you fail to pay the monthly installment.
The interest rate is smaller issue. You can always get a better rate with higher deposit.
Why wait, identify your dream car, get ready your pay slips, bank statement & hunt for car loan in smaller bank. But the disadvantage is limited branch for smaller bank.
p/s: I’m not encouraging you to buy car even you cannot afford ya.